Saturday, April 17, 2010

Why does our Constitution matter?

What kind of government does America have? (hint - it isn't a democracy)

Here's a great little video describing the form of government our Founders set up.  They definitely did their homework - and there were very good reasons they set up a Constitutional Republic as opposed to a democracy.

Why does this matter?  Liberal Democrats (and many Republicans as well) seem to have forgotten that there are limits on what our government can legitimately do - and that those limits are established in the Constitution.  During the health-care debate Nancy Pelosi was famously asked where the authority for remaking health-care was found in the Constitution.  Her response was telling - "Are you serious?  That's not a serious question."  Other Democrats have said similar and more ridiculous things about the relevance of the Constitution to current issues.

So what?  Some argue that since the Constitution was written over 200 years ago we've outgrown it, and it is no longer relevant.  This debate is at the core of a great deal of the legislative agenda of the current Democratic party leadership.  It matters because the Constitution establishes the foundation for the rule of law.  When we ignore the foundation upon which the rule of law is based we move towards the "rule of man".  That's the sure road towards tyranny.

Enjoy the video.

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