Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ship the traitors to Mexico

These people have no shame.  It's bad enough (but typical of this administration) that Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano have criticized Arizona's immigration law without reading it.  But now Democratic leadership and White house staff have shown their true colors.

If Mexican President Calderone wants to speak critically of Arizona's law, fine.  But if he does so on our soil, he should meet with a united response of political leaders standing up for the law of our land, not the standing ovation he received from Congressional Democratic leadership and White House staff today.   

Applauding Calderone's speech furthers at least two problems.  First, it exacerbates ethnic tensions within our country caused by hysterical reactions to this law.  Responses like those from the local governments in Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego fuel the very ethnic divisions they accuse the Arizona law of fostering - and the shameful acts of Democratic leaders today further those divisions even more.  (Of course this is probably OK in their view.  Perfect cover for the "big business bailout" passed today.  Remember that this is a party intent on using crisis to legitimate takeover.)  Second, such a response undermines respect for the laws of a state, which the federal government should be supporting and maintaining.  Government's success in preserving peace among its citizens depends on fostering respect for the laws of the land.  Applauding a foreign leader who takes issue with a law is akin to standing by while he spits on our flag.

Arizona passed SB 1070 for their own self-preservation.  State senator Sylvia Allen recently wrote an article describing the horrendous border violence Arizona citizens have had to live with.  Not only does illegal immigrant traffic bring drug trafficking, robbery, property destruction, rape, and murder, but costs the state billions of dollars in health care, education, and law enforcement costs related to the flow of illegal aliens.  Since the federal government has failed in its responsibility to secure its border, Arizona has every right to do so.

The Obama administration has repeatedly shown an appalling disdain for their most fundamental duties - to uphold our Constitution, and to secure the rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" of our citizens by protecting the integrity of our borders.

Arizona's new immigration law is not just state law - it is an affirmation of federal law.  So not only was Calderone criticizing Arizona law, but United States law as well.  And for Democrats to applaud his criticism borders on treason.  Let them go back to Mexico with him.